Video 41
38. Shanti Gita - Class 38 - Chapter 4 - Verses 22 - 26
lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face on peace peace peace be unto us all so welcome back to our reading shanti gita and there arjuna said that i have understood the points you have mentioned before and my doubts are gone but my point is that you have told me in verse number 19 we read that you told me the sahaba karma puritan you have told me that you only follow me alone giving up all types of karma i have heard it from you but that i want to listen again bada and as a result bhagavan sri krishna in the verse number 20 and 21 we have read he says that swab you are talking about karma but karma can be have five different types of karma nitta karma that's obligatory you are abraham meanwhile you get up in the morning take a shower chant the gayatri mantra so many times hey that instruction that's called nitto nay mittiko karma special action special special puja special day every day we are doing our puja in one way on nay mythical today is ramakrishna's birthday oh it is shiva night so you do some special karma that's called on the on this special occasion noi mittika some limit some special date special reason is their birth of holy person birth of this advent of this divine entity kamiam another is the kama karma that means i desire i desire to earn money i go to do this i desire to learn this subject i go to the university i go to school i desire to learn swimming scuba diving i go to the scuba diving school so these are come moments with some desire prompted by desire that work is done kama karma swabha spontaneously your inner nature forces you to do you need not have to think about unconsciously people do those who are born with a good sangaskara good impressions good samskaras they are prompted to do good things and there will be certain people who even do not know their propensities that the samskaras force them to do something that's called the swab swabhavika karma shravabig means what is very spontaneous what is very natural according to the temperament tendency and innate propensity and the last one is called the initiative forbidden that should not be done you should not do that that is detrimental for the society for your spiritual life for your individual life for family life so nishida scriptures say no don't do that so these are the five types so these are the five types of karma bhagavan said that i would like to bhagwan says listen to the five types of actions that are mentioned in the scriptures what are they they are daily obligatory duties daily obligatory duties you this is obligatory it is your duty no say in the that is our most of us sleep that time in the morning or night time but there are those who are driving the train whole night huh obligatory duty and they should do that you cannot say okay let the train be here i mean let me take a nap you cannot do like plane whole night that driving plane no so these are obligation there is an obligation to your commitment to your work no so that is obligatory duty and then occasional obligatory duties occasional just special occasions so special duties in addition to normal duty special duty on special occasions and rights done to attain desired result with kamina with specific desire and duty is born out of one's nature these are the four and five is the which is forbidden you should not do these are the five types of fractions then what is called here is a simple some explanation ah what has been mentioned this karma also should be what is the distinction between prohibited action and these duties duty means by whom you cannot create your own duty the scripture said do this do that do that the ordained by the scriptures are the holy people that is called karma now nine twentieth versus gun twenty first parts what we also did um what is to be done we have read this twenty first person so twenty first plus we read you didn't know bala you are not confident so 21 we can start then okay so kurtum in the vedic literature in the vedic wisdom vedic veda licks or the scriptures vedas kurtum vidhanam which has been ordained bidhana means it is given injunction the in the vedas that which has been given in junction that you are to do this this is vidhan bit that means do do who says be the sastra that means scriptures nityadi bihita matam you have to do this this regular activity shandha mandana you have to chant you have to pray you have to do the gayatri mantra these are all ordained in the vedas so be they bihitam in the vedas it has been ordained it has been said daily obligatory duties bihitam it has been prescribed so bidhan that has been prescribed in the vedas it can in the vedas in the vedic scriptures jut which has been ordained that you should do that injunction is given they are called nitro et cetera et cetera nitrogen just you talked about nitto namithika [Applause] natural you need not have you have no control what is your impulses so these are called the bihitum just this has been odin that is to be regarded so that those actions that have been prescribed as methods of performance in the vedas they are regarded as obligatory duties and they like that means they are called the obligatory duty we should have to do a special obligation or normal obligatory duty etcetera nibari the vedas the scriptures we say don't do this is not good which has been forbidden that is called the forbidden action so first dividing two one which the scriptures have decided and designed that all should follow this this formula okay suppose scripture suggests etc and patanjali yamaha and non-receiving gifts etc purity of the body and mind socho shantos containment of the mind so austerity scriptural reading and doing job of meditation and surrender to god so these have been said do do do do do so you do every day that is called it is the bihita karma it is ordained and you have to do this and on special day when you do special puja our book sastra lights you do this past second point is this third point is this and go on point by point by point by you follow that's called the bihito when ordained and that is the karma to do not my whimsical way i think it is good i will do most of the people make a mistake they do according to whims you do not know it may be true that may bring you good result but you do not know ultimately whether it will really bring good or not because those which have been said in the scriptures they have been tested and verified people have done before us hundreds and thousands of people have practiced and they got the benefit their mind became clear so better to follow the good gps which has been already tested and verified no suddenly a new track to test and then going around is is to be forbidden so be nibara it is veda but which the vedas proclaim that don't do this this is not good for you this will be detrimental to your spiritual life that nisitdam that is called the forbidden actions and vedas don't say anything when one is impulsive in his action that means i am born with certain instinct and the person will do that whether it is it bad karma or good karma bad karma good government matters little scriptures don't say anything about that because by your own propensity someone is born with a tendency from early childhood to meditate to pray to do some quietness no another is born with some other tendency so scripture vedas don't say anything about that so veda says yes to something that is to be done veda said no to something don't do it is nishita karma and another karma svabhavika and veda does not say anything about that karma what everyone is doing according to their own propensities so running meaning goes those actions that have been prescribed as methods of performance in the vedas are regarded as obligatory duties so what is our obligatory duty these are the obligatory duties scripture should write it you take the worship book and follow what is written there that is the prescribed that we should follow and those are regarded as the forbidden action that the vedas have prohibited in the matter of action born of one's own nature the vedas hold totally indifferent attitude that means it does not say it is good it does not say it is bad but when you born with one tendency you try to change it and change it for good then follow the vedic path that is called karma good karma and you are born with a good tendency people sometimes do some bad bad day that is going to the negative direction so karma are five so one is ordained in the vedas and i should do every day regulatory on special occasions i do these are the two third point is third point is they come come carbo and that people do some work desirous work i want to get money yes but veda said do it in this way earn your good money not more to kama moksha there's four goals no the scriptures say it is not bad you earn good money in a dharmic way follow the dharma orto earning good money calm fulfillment of legitimate desires that purifies the heart going through this experience people can learn and go higher so that is called vedic dictum and vedic not dictum vedic instructions so these are called the ordained activity and which the scriptures say don't do that is called the nishida and that action those actions which are born out of our own tendencies no one teaches us no but the nature of the boy is like that no you see that if child is born he is a a good singer no one trans has taught anything but from the childhood is his natural tendency is here it is good or bad yes scripture remains detached it doesn't say anything so these are the five but now 22nd verse we start reading today [Music] yes [Music] yeshua it is not there in your computer also it's there check it pass number 21 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um so it is said means you offense if you don't do it is an offense you give your word to your guru that you will do meditation and prayer if you don't do then you are making an offense that is the point it is not taking us to the spiritual growth but it is taking us away from that's why it is offensive it is not that we appreciate very much just so accurately acronym is not doing if you don't do that karma then a negative impact happens that is in nitta karma nita karma means daily ordained duties it is some pandit some scholars say that it is it is you occur offense often some scholars say that there is an occurrence some say there is no consequence of performing daily duties that is very called daily duties daily obligation but not performing which offense or effects will happen so normally it is called offense one so some scholars say that there is no consequence of performing daily duties money if you do the meditation what will happen very good good person you follow every day you get up you do your own routine shower and what result will come and nothing but if you don't do then you will incur sin understand the point if you do there is no result scripture don't say because you do on a thousand japa then tomorrow you'll have division of god no no scripture has given any assurance like that you take a shower in the early morning at 4 30 because you are taking every day sour in the early morning and you are gaining in spiritual life there is no guarantee in it many people take full shower at 4 30 in the early morning no but if you don't do are you your guru has told you and you committed there you don't do oh my god we are incurring some bad result see this is called the nithya karma understand this type of karma which if you do there's nothing special result at least there is a result but there is no commitment vedas are not saying you will see tomorrow if you do 10 days then you will see a light coming in your forehead they don't grant that but if you don't do hurry you are not doing your nitta karma daily rituals daily performance you should have to do so if you don't do you incursion if you do there is no merit so that is the point so it says some scholars say that there is no consequence of performing daily duties if you do there is no definite gain if you do your daily rituals that is verily called daily oblique what is then what is the daily obligatory duty by not performing which contrary effects will happen if you don't do then you will get a bad effect your mind will be disturbed suppose five days you don't meditate what will happen you will feel how you how you feel every day you meditate suppose you don't do five days see how your mind will be then it is really getting creating a negative effect but you are doing everything we all say i am doing meditation prayer every day every morning and i don't feel anything that means there is no positive concrete impact but it is happening because mind is becoming pure that keep that part away but if you do there is no guarantee that you are having something if you don't do then you will have a negative effect this is called the nitto karma this is the opinion of some of the scholars 23rd party this says not that there is [Applause] jupiter that above argument is logically not true why the juktita that cannot be true that jukti the argument you gave some pundits some scholars declare that if you do your nitta karma then there is no result but if you don't do then we'll incur seen this argument this above argument is not logically true that i said logically your mind will be pure every day but if you say no result then what that's why logically not true how can obligatory duties be fruitless any karma you do there should be some result you are saying you do nitto karma meditation and prayer every regular regularly regulatory duties you are performing and it has no result that cannot be it should have some result there is no inclination to do anything when there is no consequence no so who will be bhute begar it is called the ghost uh you are you are working for the ghost who wants to do work for the ghost no reward no thanks no improvement and no peace so who will do that we always anything we do there is some end result or expectation of result no if there is no result for any time who will why then we'll do the nitto karma why will come to meditate every day okay so that argument is bringing without that inclination there is no performance and if i have no inclination to do anything why i will go for action suppose a very good argument suppose if everyone now today on what i heard this scripture saying that you do need to karma there is no result so no results so what sally why shall i get up in the morning every day why to spend that time unnecessarily it is no result well no that cannot be that means immediately that whatever you do does not being immediate realization but it gradually does something if you don't do that's why you are incurring sin means its pundits are saying this to engage us in action so therefore it says that no part or you know that is not very logically proven to be true that kotter bankness follow you do your karthuba duties and it has no result no outcome how can it be that no pravity there will be no tendency to do any work perform any action if there is no reason no result every work is result oriented no you go to the shopping there is a result you will purchase those there is a result that that will come and then you will cook food and do something but suppose you go go on purchasing purchasing and there is no benefit of purchase then why you go for purchasing and taking the trouble collecting the money and then why will you do so no praviti there will be no tendency as there is no result follow abhavi tang bina and if that follow result is not there the archeron the behavior the people will not behave the way they should behave as the scripture suggests [Music] so it is not that it will not give you any result if you do nitta karma a obligatory duty your meditation your prayer as ordained as regulated regularly so nitri no eva by this nitta karma he will develop he will go to the plane of the devas gods why because your mind is everyday thinking of god and divine mind is becoming purer and purer in one stroke unit may not get brahmagano but gradually gradually the mind is purified and purified mind will live in another plane in this world look at that in this world our own mind how many planes it stays whole day sometimes it is uplifted moon sometimes very depressed moon someone angry mood someone frustrated mood no so this and we live in that world then when i'm in frustrated mood i am in frustration same person i am in angry mood i am angry that other aspects of me is gone so every day if one practices nitta karma your spiritual practices as ordained by the scriptures and your teacher then that will purify and ch tattoo buddhism two things will happen you will go to the plane of the gods and devas devaloka we call devaloka plain of the gods and goddesses no higher higher entity they live human to god and god to divine there's higher growth swami vivekananda told when m he told rick wrote him that we came to see ramakrishna such as person who is totally intoxicated in god what happened to us nothing has happened then swami we wake up on the rotate later from this country that you are you wear a cow and you have become a man you will be god so that is the point devaloka god means devil he will be in the plane you will be lifted gradually you are lifted so we are all lifted every day so you cannot say that it is fruitless it has its fruit it has its result so and this as viktor karma then it has that food like say taking shower and cleaning cleaning yourself how it can help if you attend no only only taking shower is not nit to karma that is sabahabika karma nitto karma that is different nitrogen is puja worship prayer these are as ordained by the vedas you do everyone does take a shower go to bathroom these that wash themselves that is called this swab karma according to the tendency everyone does so vedas have no nothing to say about that good or bad that we did they just know so out of the five types of karma one is that karma there's sabha karma and it according to one's own origin or tendency people will function and particularly this type of cleanliness and other things and when we say about that uh nitto karma nithyananda means tataku in early days people used to do we our sunda bandana has become a little easier in early days they have to take a shower and where is the hot water this in this cold yet go to the cold water take a shower and come and sit there and sometimes you have to wear the weight cloth for a long time and do austerity and then you see then you put a long kosha kushi gangajal this [Music] this fruit plate proud plate this is that performing all these rituals on surname etc and then after sudhanam then vishnu vishnu all these things you finish then you will then sit for chanting the mantra and prayer so this part is called the sundhamman nana trishunda means morning noon time and evening these are the three periods of time people used to do this type of ritual that is called nitto karma everyone used to do every person you will find in early days in india that was a tradition everyone will perform these rituals so that karma no is part of everything that's a part of life so so this karma then actually you cannot say it has no meaning bhagavan says some pundits say that if you do you don't get any benefit now no result but if you don't do then you will be in trouble you will be incurring sin this is like why they say you know this is like the child you know if you don't read then you will get this bad if you read then you'll be good but if you're not that much so in known to engage us in good karma that is the inspiration so here but bhagavan gives shri krishna gives it different totally logical things that is she said it it is not very logical just to read the verse number 23 that it is not very logical to say that um how can an obligatory duty be fruitless there is no inclination to do anything when there is no consequence if we don't find any result so no inclination will come and without that inclination no one can perform anything if your inspiration goes away why will you work and this this verse says only what happens positively there bhagwan says only through obligatory duties will one reach the realm of gods that means if you perform all little this obligatory duties guru instructed duties nothing brahmagan if it does not come you will attain a higher plane after death your mind will be going in a higher plane and second point buddhism your buddhi your intellect will be free from the clouds of the doubts and confusions it will because you are thinking of god and performing such such rights therefore the opposite is ignorance ignorance will be wiped out gradually so buddhism so therefore along with that his intellect will be purified then then what will happen and the result is observed from the contrary effects of incurring sin when it is not performed and people you see those who don't follow this scriptural injunction or don't follow the holy people's guidance then they we find that their life is not very pure they are wrongly directed by their own impulses that's why it you occur sin why you occur sin because you are not guided properly and you are not following that path not it or not everyone is dull got this point that if you do what will happen your mind will be lifted and you will go to the devaloka and also your mind intellect will be purified but if you don't do then purification will not happen and if you don't know the mantra its power the practice that helps you to not to think of the world but for god that is gone then you'll be more worldly this is the sin means this net result is bad because we live alike live like a life of an animal or like ordinary beast they also are born they also live they also eat they also die no so that type of life will be it is just a continuation of that type of life so therefore emphasis on nitta karma you have to do obligatory uh it is good for spiritual growth in this sense that if you don't get god realization at least your buddhi will be shuddha you will happen mind will be purified one and second will be that your spiritual growth will take you to devaloka where the holy people you can simply say if a devotee you don't believe you live in company of the holy people you'll be born in such a way that you will live with other holy people their level is too high so that is the devil so 20 foot bars here the example is given that if you need to karma of obligatory duties if you do then you go to devolca and purified mind but if you don't do that then the attachment to the enjoyments will lead you to the more into the work of the worldly thing and then by that worldly attainment of happiness and enjoyment will mind will be interested in that and as a result they will go on even tempted to do wrong things when people get tempted to do in front and joy and no spiritual background then their values go down and then do they do things which a good person will not follow or not do so that is the way they go need that they're tending towards the work which should not be performed by a person and that will create suffering and pain for the soul afterwards because it is misdirected towards the world and worldliness and its enjoyments that's why birth and death in the cycle of birth and death that soul will have to move on that is the negative effect of not doing or performing obligatory duties because it engages us in the world in the cycle of birth and death it is it is called pravitta karma already it is taking us to the prabhuti two path is there one nibrity away from the enjoyments and attachments and all these things and another is leading to truth and life of joy so in this reason it is it can be considered that it is not good and also kathryn punished said that referring that quattropathy says that prayer and say two are there people are drawn into this way or that way and those who follow the path of inferior things they go into the cycle of birth and death and that freedom is not there for making them liberated in this life so this is the kang you go to the divine plane or plane of the gods and also you get another benefit your buddhi your chitto your mind will be purified and if you don't do that karma then you will incur sin because he will be from your standard where you are rather you go the opposite direction because you are not doing positive action and our negative strong scars are pulling more and then go astray and as a result in the world of attachment and suffering and pleasure and pain it will go on and on and on so it will be long way to overcome that that's why it is considered as sin now the verse number 25 [Music] [Music] [Music] the people are saying if you don't do then you will incur sin this is not logical why because how can if there is no result then how will you lose that result you say you listen to the word if you do not perform the obligatory duty he will incur sin how that will happen if there is no follow result of doing nithya karma should be certain good effect should come that will not come if i don't do that is reasonable but if you say that karma has no result so if i don't do why shall i incur sin is illogical so that idea is coming following when the result of action is not there this contrary result which is seen that also should not occur you cannot say i am not done nitrogen sin will come to me why you say there is no result if if you work for two hours and you don't get any penny see if i then then i i am not getting any penny i don't do that i don't get any penny any result so why shall i work for two hours then it's very logical thing if you don't work then you lose money but how can i lose money because you are not paying me anything if i do so how shall i lose money if i don't do that's the point so the reason is that out out of nothing something that exists cannot be born out of nothing something has come how can they out of nothing something will come there should be something and then something can come out from out of zero something has come out uh it it it is not logical way so no ah jayate therefore the absence of the result follow from the performance of obligatory duties cannot be accepted that means yes there is some effect 26 okay come [Music] now they have talked about the first point of work what is the first one nitya neeta karma obligatory duties no we discussed two three verses on that point now nuemitika namit tiga means as i said on special occasions special duties special offerings special austerity suppose puja days what we do pujari does not eat it's austerity it's a special austerity other days we take breakfast and then do the puja but special days no no it is a special puja we won't eat we don't until the home of fire ends i will be fasting so you do some special activities that time that's called the nuemitika on special days special occasions so now he is talking about the nuemitikang nimittena nuemitigam means occasional obligatory duties and nimitan for the sake of duty parnimita qatabam should be performed bihitam sada how will you perform not according to your own whims but as prescribed in the scriptures so you should always perform special noimatic occasional obligatory duties that also to follow these scriptures and not according to your own whims like they are giving example chandra that is a faith in indian people of the faith that when there is a eclipse and sun and moon eclipses sonic leaves moon air please then there is dhanam you give some gift whatever do it will be multiplied you do sinful act sin will multiple multiply if you do good work good will multiply no so therefore give some charity so if you do that that is called this special so example is given annual ceremonies for forefathers or during the eclipse of days of the moon and sun then tarpanam offering up for fathers etcetera these are the instances on special occasion no that one story is there there is the lunar eclipse solar eclipse i forgot and swami vivekananda everyone is trying to sit for to japan because if you can do ja what will you do it will multiply so most of these hadoos or devotees in india during the moon eclipse or sonic ellipse they sit for taking day and beats and drop of meditation more because it will multiply them that's the faith but some people may do bad bad karma the bad will increase if you do good karma good will increase so that is that times those are called obligatory duties special obligatory duties and also someone's father annual celebration and your annual rights and rituals of the forefathers that day people give gift to the poor people and others no these are called obligatory and special occasion and also uh your honor of the ceremonies in the honor of the relatives passed away and offering food in honor of the four fathers and the deceased so these are the uh special work uh special nemetico carbon this is the definition should always be performed for the sake of duty so we should all perform that duty so these are the two works to let us understand very well we'll do the rest of the thing we finished at 26 verse number 26 will start 27 next day today is what day baba half month is gone okay so so we have discussed not much only we have done that five types of karma out of that nitta karma we have discussed and no imita ah obligatory duty daily and special that these have to be done and these should be ordained by the scriptures not by one's own whims so these are the things we'll learn today some say it will not incur sin you have to incur sin here very logically destroyed that statement yes it has meaning it will not you will incur sin seen in the sense that you will be in the cycle of birth and death more unless you do perform this which will clean your heart chitta sutti and and he will leave gradually in the devil okay to the other higher plane of existence okay so we end here um krishna now we'll be spending few minutes with the question answer how does one surrender to god how does one surrender that's a problem how does surrender to god yeah we have to understand fast that god is there and we surrender to so many people we surrender ourselves to so many conditions but we never surrender to god if we surrender to god we have to understand then you are totally free from all responsibility so how to surrender to god environment or condition forces us to surrender to god but we can do in on our own volition we can think everything i know god is there i don't understand that but ramakrishna said gita said upanishad said so i believe that therefore anything i do i let me surrender to god oh lord let thy will be done in my life it is to be reminded our mind is to be trained in that way to tell that yes i belong to god and god is only my refuge yes you for for our prob to solve our problems we go we take some practical measure you go to your boss to solve some problem you talk to your friend to solve the problem but internally we should have to know that in god is my refuge and pray to him oh lord you please guide me you please hold me even in good time or in bad time that's a practice every day get up in the morning we can say oh lord another day starts i surrender to you please guide me i i so that i can follow the pure path like that and surrender and anything happens surrender tell oh lord this this is for you i am doing for you please hold my hand to in in suffering and in misery in pleasure and pain we should have to remind our mind to again and again think in this way then peace comes their responsibility our all the tensions and anxieties of life actually reduces by that way because that time we think that i am taking refuge in god what am i to fear about and let anything happen god will take care so that idea comes so this argument is to be brought into the mind and to practice and remind everything that i am i am though i am talking to my friend for my solution i am going to my boss to clear this point and this difficult situation i am talking to the police to take some help that's external but internally i know oh lord it is you guide me and help me so this practice will probably help us how not to mislead by faith that's why faith not me faith misleads why because faith is not blind faith we should ra swami vivekananda was didn't believe in blind faith of course swami ramakrishna said faith has eyes true but not from that point but it should be rational eyes means rational faith is what faith is necessary in our life god is there we have to have this faith but god is only in this place and not in other place god is in my religion only in another religion god is in only in my temple and nowhere else if this type of faith someone tries to impose we have to bring the vedantic concept that it should be rational always rationality should be given some important position in life so we will not be misled by faith if we can catch the words of the realized souls we have to rely faith means rely no rely on what rely not on cheats but to the people who are truthful who are established in truth rama krishna buddha christ shankara ramakrishna holy mother vivekananda they are established in truth so we can have faith in them so that is the and faith then you that's why he said don't read all types of books it will confuse you your faith will disturb get disturbed read only those books which has been written by the people of experience people of realization they have their own vision they have their experience that's why i read the upanishads upanishads are the revelation in the heart of the pure holy people bible read bible i don't read the interpretation of any doctrinal interpretation you simple hearted read blessed are the pure in heart you take that message directly you can you can understand much easily but if you go to the explanation of someone then it may be confused so we'll have to not mislead by faith if it is rational and if it is experienced best based on someone's experience so don't read books which is not written by a realized person for your intellectual clarity you can read hundred types of books that's okay but for spiritual growth read only the books which has been coming down from the mouth of the experienced people realized souls won't pure devotee rather work out his karma than to ask the forgiveness from god won't asking for something from god leveraging one's devotion ultimately tent his devotion no if we have some bad karma yes we should beg forgiveness that's a christian way but hindu way we'll be saying you need to work out of the problem so but also say oh lord i did it once but i am not going to do that that is for guarding ourselves not to do the mistake again but people go on saying forgiveness forgiveness and don't work positively so that's why result does not come so pure devotee rather work out his karma as also with the idea of surrender i am doing but you are there to help me so that type of idea should be kept and forgiveness from god merely saying will not do but if one can say sincerely oh lord please forgive my actions what i have did it is my ignorance i ignorantly i did i will never do yes that is forgiven but that faith in this great faith to get faith better better we work our action is much better swamiji's idea good and bad action we all perform but we have to come out of the work action and do we can do such work that so that my direction changes my attitude changes and my turning point comes in life my direction of thought is this way it will turn in the opposite way so by action by prayer by meditation by japa by doing good selfless service this can be of help so yes pure devotee should work both ways i should say internally that oh lord what i have done in ignorance please forgive me and i will never do that and give me strength direct my direct me so that i do right action yes and do engage in action it can be coordinated it is joint effort i am trying to do i am taking the blessings of god to help me so this this is nothing wrong but if it is only saying the word and not doing anything that will not do one who has achieved equanimity of mind does he get influenced by the dualities in the world like getting swayed away by someone's beauty or having a low opinion about someone not so beautiful uh when he was achieved equanimity of mind what do you mean by that if the equanimity of mind only can come from god vision unless you see god you cannot be equal you cannot see god means saccidananda if you see god then there is no question of beauty and not beauty it is all god so perfect economity means perfect brahmagana or no no noah of the truth if one becomes yes for him there is no more beauty less beauty is not much his eyes will see beautiful his eyes will say it is not that beautiful but in his heart apart it does not make distinction ramakrishna was established in samadhi does he not say red flower is red flower and blue and i have a green what is called purple is purple yes he did it did he not say this food is good this food is bad yes it will appear but this is only it is called the um transactional world but internally he will always know mabhi rajan sarvogati it is only mother mother has taken every call so they have the dual experience so you cannot expect that someone who has known their spiri realization came to the point of realization he will some people cannot how much critical was he for anything what is his bad no that you have to understand they see the physical level when they come down from samadhi they live in the physical world but they see two things together one there are hundreds of ornaments all made of gold they see the gold and the ornament both together they see me as a person as also i am the spirit two things together because of that they don't get attached they only pass remarks there's a decent one of our sami dear swami passed away he is established in that type of economity he will see things he will sometimes see that oh this is this this is that but in his heart of heart he has no attachment to anything but his eyes see that it will not that eyes will not see the defects or the red or the right right or wrong everything will be catching the physical level but they have a third eye which penetrate the name and form there is no division there is no ugly it is all divine so these two thing will go parallely i am able to feel trust towards ramakrishna and vivekananda but not towards masaru devi why i wonder please guide you did not have to think you pray to ramakrishna is no other than holy mother so if you are misimar fascinated with ramakrishnan go on and in ramakrishna his mother so they are not separate so yeah it depends on some child becomes fascinated to mom and some child becomes fascinated to death there's nothing wrong in that so you know that ramakrishna is also saccidanando and the sakti the divine shakti is jathagne dahika shakti as the burning power in the fire similarly the burning power of ramakrishna is masaruda so you need not have to force yourself to go that rather you do whatever your spontaneous heart goes and go on doing that and you will see one day that mother is coming in your heart automatically so where we are let us be there any path we take ultimately all conclusion all doubts will go away if you only follow sincerely and practice it then the mind will be purified and purified mind will show that there is no division there is only one you see why some like i like shiva i i don't like krishna okay you go through shiva worship and go dive deep into that shiva nature and then you'll find that shiva is nothing but consciousness and bliss sees consciousness shiva is bliss shiva is all the time there such down on them and then you see the krishna krishna is also sacred so ultimate truth being one these expressions are different as ramakrishna said someone will like fish soup someone will fried fish someone may be with spices but fish is the same so similarly here example god saccidananda is the same you approach to ramakrishna you reach the same point you approach to masaruda you list same so it matters through the siva you can reach there in the mahakali you can is there so christ you can reach there so it is not what you are attracted at but how you are practicing and connecting with the divine in that through that form so please practice what you are practicing and mother will reveal automatically in time thank you all and tomorrow will be our gospel reading at 7 30 here om chanti shanti shanti peace peace peace you